Thursday, March 27, 2008

on my mind

I have a lot on my mind and I think a stream of consciousness post is the way I'm going to get it out. If you can't follow along, my apologies. I just need to get some stuff out.

My mom - My mother had an appt with a surgeon today to discuss possible surgery on her shoulder. She has severe rheum. arthritis in her shoulder and cannot sleep for more than 2 hours without waking from pain. Her range of motion for the shoulder is horrible. Watching her put on a coat or shirt is saddening. I was unable to attend the appt with my parents and sister today because Shea had his appt which I had OTHER concerns for and that needed to take precidence, unfortunately. Anyway, it comes down in the appt that her rheum. doc also is referring her for knee REPLACEMENT surgery. Apparently both shoulder and knee are bone against bone at this point. The surgeon would prefer to do the knee first because it will be better for recovery from the shoulder surg. if she has two good legs to support her.

I'm really overwhelmed by all this and feel ill-equipped to care for toddlers and aging parents. I feel guilty for leaving it to my older siblings as well. And resentful of my brother in California who really doesn't have to deal with it at all.

Things will fall into place. I have already started researchingand bookmarking elder services pages. I can't imagine how my dad will cope with taking care of her 24/7 without losing his mind.

Shea's appt was ok. Doc said we should wait til after his one year appt to see if his gross motor skills have improved (head size is the cause of delay) and if not we will have him evaluated then. But his height and weight (22lbs 29") put him in the 75% and his head circ (49cm - same as Liam's was at 15 mos) puts him at 98% which is at least on the chart now. He didn't need any shots - just got a finger prick for iron and lead level testing. He didn't nap well, so by bedtime he was a nightmare. We did discuss c.i.o. during the appt and the doctor said Ferber is the way to long as his basic needs are met and he's not ill we should do it. He said that we had to outlast Shea... especially since he's escalates so much when crying... gets worse and worse. We can't even go in after 5 or 10 mins cause he flips out even more. Tonight he cried after I put in (this is rare -= typically he is a middle of the night crier) and I was alone with both boys. I didn't want to leave Liam alone downstairs longer than necessary so I was sort of forced to let him cry. I did goin and try to rock him again, but he wasn't stopping so I put him back in the crib and probably about 30 mins later he stopped. I'm not sure exactly how long because I was putting Liam to bed and with the humidifier on high (purposefully) in Liam's room, you can't hear a thing in there.

I need to go to bed. Hubs is off tomorrow and I am getting my hair cut and colored. Cannot TELL YOU how bad I need it. GREY ROOTS! Ugly!


Cathy said...

Wow - that wasn't long at all (the crying). Did he wake up in the middle of the night? Those weren't as hard, because I would be in bed.
I'm on my way out right now, but I'm going to look in Quinn's baby book to see when he did things in regards to gross motor, because he also had a big head (95%) - not quite as big as Shea's, but still, big. (I still hate putting shirts on the poor guy.)
Just think - soon you'll be sleeping through the night again!

Susie said...

Cathy - I think it was because he was SO SO OVERTIRED that he didn't last long with the crying. And any info regarding Quinn's development is of course TOTALLY appreciated. You KNOW I'm worried that I'm babying him too much by not FORCING more tummy time and thus enabling his delay even more. *sigh* motherguilt!

Cathy said...

Okay - just looked up the baby stuff. Crazy, I thought he was late with crawling, but he was "real crawling" (as I put it in the book) around 8.5 months and inchworm crawling a month before that. (Liam still isn't real crawling, he likes the army crawl.)
BUT - Quinn didn't learn to sign "more" until 10 months and Liam still doesn't get it (he just screams) - I remember reading that Shea was already signing that. So all good things in time, right?
Motherguilt sucks. Does he roll over to get around or is he happy to just sit and play with whatever is near him? (just curious)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the stress you have right now caring for your parents and little ones. I'm here if you need to talk....unfortunately I have experience of the parent care. Little different situation, but lots of same feelings, I'm sure.