Saturday, March 29, 2008


I count my blessings every day for the good relationship and love of my mother-in-law (The Nonni!). She is an amazingly generous and loving person. She accepted me whole-heartedly into her life and family and loves my children with an intensity I would second only to the love Dan and I have for them.


The Nonni goes completely and utterly overboard with gifts and money. It is not uncommon for her to hear that I'll be doing seasonal clothes shopping for the boys and to hand me an envelope of anywhere from 300-500 bucks in it. See? AMAZINGLY GENEROUS. And CRAZY! On my birthday, mothers day and Christmas I get cards with money. Never less than $100. CRAZY.

She also gets hooked on collecting things. Liam got into Thomas and Friends when he was about 18 mos old. Nonni proceeded to collect over 100 trains from the Take Along series. She gave him tons and kept loads at her house...which have SOMEHOW filtered over here over the past year and a half. Hot Wheels? She has about 3 double decker cases of them at her house. Not including the oversized die cast metal ones she has as well. Eighteen wheelers and obscene monster trucks. CRAZINESS!

Then she was shopping for a toy for Liam right before Seamus was born. He picked out a toy from the Imaginext Jungle Adventures series. Only I don't think Nonni realized it was a series at first. My sister saw that he had it and, when she visited the hopsital after Shea was born, she innocently brought Liam some additional animals that went with the set. My mother-in-law realized it was an expanded set and proceeded to buy almost every other piece to it. The Nonni almost bought the biggest piece but Liam thinks it's a bit too scary.


You see my point? Well recently Liam has taken to puzzles. The 25-or-so piece variety. He got one from my sister a month or so ago and did it over and over and over again. So much so that his sitter brought him 2 more that she happened to have left from her brothers child years. Then I got a Buzz Lightyear puzzle for his Easter basket. Sooooo...Easter day comes and as always we go to Nonni's for brunch and fun. The Easter Bunny OF COURSE goes to Nonni's too. And Liam gets.... wait for it.... THREE MORE boxed puzzles and a book that has like 7 puzzles embedded in the pages.

Liam LOVES puzzles but honestly do we need 7 boxed puzzles and a book of puzzles? Doesn't that seem like a lot? And I love it when people come over and comment on how many freaking toys my kids have when we hardly BUY ANY?! Everyone else does! I do buy the odd matchbox car or coloring book, crayons, that sort of thing. But sheer volume of toys.... are from everyone else! I am happy that my children are blessed with these things. But it's almost embarrassing. We have this gorgeous storage center in the playroom... and it's stuffed to the freaking GILLS. I try to weed out toys but then feel guilty. I need to just lose the guilt and donate or pitch some stuff. I do a "crappy toy" sweep every other week or so - weeding out the happy meal prizes, broken toys, and very small pieces from sets that Liam wouldn't miss and Shea could choke on.

Anyway - I started this post to vent about Nonni and her penchant for buying too much and not knowing when to stop. Perhaps I should take some of that advice with this post.


John said...

i love those books with puzzles in it. william just got one that has each continent on a page. :)

Susie said...

They are cool. Though I am finding that the more he does the puzzle, the looser it gets in the book and sometimes pieces fall out when you turn a page.

Cathy said...

Seriously - our lives are so similiar it's getting a bit scary.
Sounds like my MIL, except she buys everything at garage sales (which is great) - so isn't much into collections - just toys. Tons and tons of toys.
We have a book with puzzles in it, but not really - the puzzles are now in little ziplock baggies - they work better that way.
We also have a ton of boxed puzzles, but I rotate them with work so it doesn't seem like that many. I just bought another puzzle tonight.

Carrie said...

two words... SO ALIKE.


have you ever thought about having Dan sit down with her? maybe having HIM (cause you know YOU can't say something without it being taken the wrong way)(meaning you the DIL, not you, you) anyways... maybe he can suggest that instead of the 5 toys she wants to buy, that she can cut back to one, and put the $$ towards a college fund or a vacation fund? savings bond? bedroom furniture?

dan's smooth, and knows his mom. with your emotional coaching ahead of time, you might be able to pull it off???

Susie said...

Cathy - I think the ziploc baggies are in our future with that book. Otherwise pieces are going to get lost. Sooo.. your husband doesn't have a goatee and love to spend time in the bathroom does he? Cause then we could have a problem.

Carrie - HA HA. Yes Dan has had that talk with Nonni but it doesn't matter. She buys the toys AND gives money toward college. We asked her for money toward the PBK storage system for Christmas and she bought the whole thing AND toys were still there on Christmas Eve. It's just her way and we can't seem to make it stop.

Anonymous said...

WoW...count your blessings. My MIL is about as useless as they come. Never even so much as brought a blanket for either of my children from the day they were born. She up and moved to NC a couple of years ago and left her entire family behind...when she breezes into town she barely squeezes us into her agenda. I invite her to stay for dinner or lunch and she DECLINES! It is MY parents, (smothering type) the Italian's from NY, that non-stop shower us with and DVD's up the hubby doesn't understand that...I didn't marry very well, did I? I could go on and on...

Anonymous said...

I think we have the same mother-in-law. I completely understand how you feel.
I have massive guilt over the amount of toys we have for just two kids.

Anonymous said...

I work for Brighter Minds Media and we are currently promoting a Thomas & Friends software game. I am researching bloggers who may be interested in receiving info/samples. If you are interested just shoot me an email with your contact information (name, mailing address, and email). Thanks for your time!

My email address is