Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year, New Blog

So after some hemming and mostly hawwing...as in hawwwrrrdy haw haw - oh yes I know it's HAR HAR just work with me... I decided to just jump ship and landed here.

I liked the look for the newer blogger features and hopefully I can stay at peace with them and not get all uppity deciding I need more customization because honestly...? Do any of my 5 readers really give a crap if I have a fancy fance blog? No. Anyway here I am NAKED for ALL to see.

Well no - this isn't THAT sort of blog either. And truth be told you all can't handle ALL of this. Besides, I'm sure you like your eyesight just as it is.

I'm still tweaking here and there. But I'm thinking minimalist. Words. Posts. Pictures. And lots of ranting and sarcasm. Susie it up - Fake it til you make it. I'm making all of this up as I go. I don't know the answers - but I will act like I do to win friends and influence people. Also to stay a step ahead of my children. Soon enough the boys are going to catch on and start the eye-rolling-Mom's-crazy-glazed-look thing and I'll go back to talking to my dogs. Until then I hope to capture my prominent and trivial life moments here. Or cool shit I come across online.

I have a slightly new attitude toward this blog. It's still probably considered mommy-centric but what the hell - that's what I do. The Mommy thing. All blessed day long. In fact the mommy thing is making me a bit more ANXIOUS these days than anything which is why I am seeing my PCP tomorrow to discuss said anxiety. We'll talk about THAT another time. Like after the appointment at least.

Tomorrow the hubs and I are taking the Little Monkey to an appointment to get his head examined. Literally. At his 6 month appointment last Thursday the doctor expressed minimal - but notable - concern about the growth rate for Little Monkey's head size. My dad and some of his family have large heads. My head seems kind of big to me. But I guess they want to check thing out to make sure that the size for LM's head is normal for him and there isn't anything brewing in there. I probably sound really casual about this but it's denial.

See - faking it... completely. I am denying this til I am told something is definitely wrong. The doctor emphasized that it was almost always nothing but he wanted to be sure.

Please God.

So let's hang in there together and see where this new adventure takes us. and thanks for traveling with me.


Unknown said...

Good Luck tomorrow Pooks, DJ, and Little Monkey!

Anonymous said...

Hello new blog. If you can keep up with 2, I will read them both. Because that is LOYALTY, my friend. Stay well, all you monkeys.

Jody said...

happy to read you wherever. thinking of you today.

Carrie said...

I'm in.

waiting for news. xxoo.