Thursday, January 17, 2008

Whole Lotta Nothin

I just realized a week has past since my last post here - not that I'm really keeping track - just noticing that it is indicative of weeks that are busier than others. Between the snow dumping on Monday which kept Dan at home (and me needing to keep the kids out of his hair or quiet during a phone call), Tuesday was a school day, Wednesday we had Mikayla and Marianne over and now it's Thursday which is another school day.

School days fly by for me. I was really productive this week during Liam's 3 hours of school. I did some secret cleaning in the guest room closet. It was scary in there - blankets and drapes just thrown basically to get out of the way. This house kills me in some ways as it has loads of closet space yet the builder did not make any specific linen closets with multiple shelves? So Dan made one in the upstairs hallway but it's not big enough for everything. Actually I'm just still trying to figure out organizing multiple bathrooms and closets and all that crap.

My goal for this week is to make the house passable for anyone wanting to wander around on Sunday after Shea's baptism. Typically people don't go upstairs and if they do I close the door to my bedroom (where things go to die... or be put in storage boxes etc.).

Things around here are looking better... the new tv and console in the living room, the beginnings of the playroom storage already in place (just waiting for Pottery Barn to get off it's ass and get the rest in store for us), the new stools finally for the breakfast bar in the kitchen, putting the changing table in the first floor bathroom and removing the pack n' play changing table/bassinet from the living room, splitting Liam's furniture so he has the tall bureau and Shea has the changing table dresser, and getting the last of the stuff out of the garage and so both our cars fit in there. I am in search for a new area rug for the living room - the one we got "on sale" sheds like a BITCH! Worse than two dogs if you can believe it. And when we have playdates the kids get the stuff on their pants and of course it looks like dog hair and I KNOW that the moms think it's from the dogs. But no! It's the friggin rug!

I'm much more reticent here to put things up such as curtains or even blinds just to do it. My mom is like "When are you getting curtains up in the living room?" "When are you getting blinds for the guest room." Well Ma we aren't getting $5 blinds at Home Depot... our blinds are at least $100/window (except the boys rooms which we are using cheaper shades because Dan remembers yanking his off the window a few times aas a child and we aren't going there with $100 window treatments). I am not in any rush to hang shit up I guess. I guess maybe the living room looks a bit more stark without them... but I just want to get good quality stuff. And we aren't printing money over here so it's going to take a while. We've only had two overnight guests since we moved in and both got up before the sun anyway.

But I'm feeling good about where were are at with the house stuff. This summer will bring a shed, irrigation system and swingset/play structure. I really want some type of chaise for my bedroom and a leather club chair for the living room. Our couches will have to wait til the kids are bigger. We are also going to get a small pub table and stools for the eating area of the kitchen. But we are waiting til the right one comes up... haven't found the right one that will also fit in the smallish space.

Ok Hip Hop Harry (LAMEST SHOW EVER) is on and Shea will likely be awake soon so I need to get Liam's school clothes picked out and the house picked up a bit. Oh yeah and laundry flipped and dinner planned and...


Carrie said...

love the sercet cleaning reference.

the house sounds like it's really coming along!!! can't wait to see new pics/tour.

thinking about you!!

Anonymous said...

we have been in the house over two years and still haven't done blinds! in dov's room, he has books up to block the sun. sounds like things arereally shaping up though. have a great time this weekend!