Tuesday, February 5, 2008

7 Things

So Lauren at gigglepotamus tagged me for this meme to reveal 7 things about myself. I assume this would be 7 things someone might not know or unusual things. It would also have to be something I have not already revealed about myself on my other blog Raising Liam. Ok... here goes...

Here are the rules:
- Link to the person that tagged you and Post the rules on your blog.
- Share 7 things about yourself on your blog, then tag 7 people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
- Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I know all the words to about 50 Wiggles songs and it doesn't bother me.

2. I started this blog so I could write about things without my parents calling to ask me if everything was ok. Which is nice, but sometimes made me crazy.

3. Sometimes I read so many well written blogs that it psychs me out from posting in my own.

4. I LOVE AWARD SHOWS. The cancelling of the Golden Globes was like losing a holiday.

5. If the boys and I have nothing to do on a given day, I will think of something just so I can get out and hit the Starbucks drive thru. Actually, sometimes that something IS the Starbucks drive thru.

6. With the exception of 3 nights in December when I was away, I have not slept straight through the night since October. Or should I state it that Shea has not slept through the night since October. This makes me tired and sometimes CRANKY. See #5.

7. I prefer to spell it "theatre" than "theater." but I think it makes me sound snobby and I'm so NOT.

That's it! I won't tag anyone but if you decide to do it - let me know! :-)

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I was wondering why you started this blog - I can tell from the readings that you seem more relaxed here.