Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A little of this

The Lime chicken came out pretty good. It was a bit tangy with the lime juice and the sauce was thin til it sat for a bit. Dan really liked it and had the leftover piece sliced in a salad last night.

It has been raining here all damn day. It snowed all night so Dan had to run the snowblower this morning. That means he didn't leave for work til 8:30 so he'll be late coming home tonight I'm sure. Plus with this weather will make his 30 minute ride even longer.

Totally glued on American Idol again. I don't really like the use of instruments... seems distracting to the people using them. There are already people annoying me. So..... it's GREAT.

The writers strike is apparently over so THANK GOD we'll get some new Office and Greys episodes soon. We've either been watching movies or web surfing at night. We are two dorks with two laptops sitting in the same room.

I have too much stuff for Liam for Valentine's Day. Again. I always overdo it. I think I still have some stuff in a bag from Christmas that I never gave him. Not big things. I will post a pic tomorrow of him with his little haul. Last night we put together his valentine's for his class. Cars Movie valentine's with a pencil. They don't let us send treats in or I would have gotten the ones that came with the gummy candy. I got Shea a couple of little toys more for Liam's benefit... so he could see that Seamus also gets something.

So today we had a playdate with Liam's friend Mikayla. They've been friends since they were about 5 and 6 months old. She can be a real pain in the ass but Liam loves her and I really like her mom. Who brings me mochas. Well not for that. Well maybe a little for that. And she's really good to my boys. The kids had fun with the valentine's foam stickers and hearts and stampers I got for some crafts time. I also made - for the first time ever - jello jigglers for a special snack. Mikayla is allergic to dairy, nuts, and eggs so it's always hard.. I can't just make cookies or a cake from my recipe box. The heart shaped jello was a hit though.

Working from my resolutions things are going ok... I working on some personal health things - being proactive. I'm losing weight - albeit slowly and mostly because of Lent! Honestly I hoped that the length of the Lenten season would help me get through the "Detox" time and create some new habits. That's not saying I'm not going to eat a pound of chocolate on Easter Sunday. AMEN!

Crappernuts I need to wake Liam or he'll never sleep tonight!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Goodness gracious! Sounds like a very productive day over there. Dinner, playdate, valentines. Oh my!