Thursday, February 14, 2008


Ugh I was feeling really good about getting Liam to sit down and decorate his Cars movie themed valentines for school. They were cute and each one came with a Cars movie pencil. Then he made some with foam stickers and hearts for his teachers. So we weren't down to the wire getting them done with me saying "ok next! ok next!" he took his time with his stampers and stickers and had fun with it.

Then as I left the school from dropping him off I see a girl walking in with her mom holding a box very carefully. I could clearly see glitter and pipe cleaners and gorgeous - EXQUISITE EVEN -homemade valentines.

And all I could think was "SHIT SHIT SHIT! Why didn't I think of that?"


Cathy said...

I'm betting that that little girl didn't even get to touch those Valentine's. And if she did her mom was probably right on top of her telling her what to do. Good for you for letting Liam decorate his own (and by himself)!

Carrie said...

seriously. the child wasn't even probably allowed to watch the mom make them. or the child is really a very short 16 year old.

pipe cleaners.... BAH!!! we want the cars pencil!!!
