Friday, February 8, 2008


Fellas... if the good wife -EVEN during a difficult day with a non-napping baby and trapped inside because of snow with the preschooler whose preschool is canceled- makes you dinner. It's a good idea not to come home and look at it and say "I'm trying to eat healthier."

Yeah maybe it was on the rich/thick saucy side. But if you hadn't bought all the extra chicken she wouldn't have needed to improvise and without a trip to the grocery store there weren't many options.

Just eat a little... because chances are your 3-year old already turned his nose up at it, your wife is exhausted and just wants to be appreciated for her effort. Not confronted with you and your friggin bowl of Special K for dinner. Because maybe just maybe she'll think "WHY THE FRIG DO I EVEN BOTHER" and feel like crap about it. Because maybe she isn't a big fan of cooking to begin with and it's hard for her to try new things.

Maybe you should be a little more considerate for the effort next time.



Anonymous said...

I don't like cooking either.

I'm lucky that my husband does and will do that one chore around the house (I do everything else so I figure we are even).

But when I do cook I'm extremely sensitive about it--so yeah, I'd be mad too.

Cathy said...

Oh my god. How rude!
I don't like cooking either.

Christie said...

I think I'm going to e-mail the link for this post to my husband. We haven't been housebound due to snow ever but I certainly have days when the nearly 4-month old baby isn't in the mood for going to the store and I tend to not force the issue. On a day like that, if I manage to find food to prepare a meal with, the man better sit his butt in the chair, eat it, and tell me how good it is or I'll be going on strike!